Do you wonder if you have hormone imbalances?

Do you wonder if you have hormone imbalances? As we reach perimenopause and menopause, the fluctuations in hormones can cause bloating, insomnia, fatigue, skin conditions, anxiety and irritability.

It is helpful to get to the root cause of the imbalances with the use of the Dutch hormone test. As a nutritionist supporting women with digestive issues, I rely on the Dutch test for my female clients with adrenal and sex hormone imbalances.

The results give me very specific information about how to handle problems such as bloating, sleep issues, weight gain, painful periods and chronic tiredness.

The Dutch test measures your hormone metabolites from dried urine samples. The hormones include:

  • Cortisol
  • Cortisone
  • Estradiol
  • Estrone
  • Estriol
  • Progesterone
  • Testosterone
  • DHEA and DHEA-S
  • Melatonin

This test also measures your cortisol and cortisone rhythms and levels, and your estrogen metabolism pathways. The test is also beneficial for women struggling with fibroids, PMS, irregular periods, painful periods, anxiety and moodiness, and endometriosis. This test also works well for monitoring hormone replacement therapy effectiveness. This test also shows how you metabolize estrogen through your liver. If you don’t metabolize estrogen well, your risks of estrogen-related cancers such as breast, cervical and uterine cancer can increase.

Doing the test is really easy and can be done in the comfort of your own home. The instruction instructions are clear  for both the collection of saliva and little strips that are dipped into your pee. You take four urine samples at four different times of the day, and they don’t have to be on the same day. You also take 5 saliva tests during the day. Then you simply fold up the dry test strips and mail them in the enclosed envelope.

If you want to shed light on your cortisol rhythms, metabolism, adrenal, cortisol, and sleep problems this test is THE most cutting edge, comprehensive, functional medicine hormone test.

Each test result is unique. Each treatment or solution is also unique. Wonder what your hormone picture is?

Your results will end the guesswork about whether or not the root cause of  your symptoms is due to hormones and adrenal fatigue.

If you are struggling with stress, trouble sleeping, waking up tired, energy slumps throughout the day or difficulty recovering from exercise.

If you need caffeine in the morning to wake up, or throughout the day to function, if you are bloated and have unexplained weight gain.

Even if you have injuries that are slow to heal, frequent colds or difficulty regulating blood sugar, Get in touch.

Here is a link to a video where you can see my breaking down my own DUTCH test results.

Balancing hormones, menopause

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