What causes bloating? IBS, Acid Reflex?

Bloating, IBS, acid reflux are all common symptoms but would you like to know what causes them?

State of the art tests to get to the root cause of your digestive symptoms.

The ultimate gut health and microbiome stool test using state of the art technology to provide a comprehensive analysis of the your unique digestive ecosystem and chronic disease-related markers which include bacteria, yeast, parasites.

Science meets nutrition to ensure you gain data that is personalised and accurate.

This is a simple and easy home testing kit to help get to root cause of your digestive symptoms.

Included in the results are:
– 7 x health markers to assess inflammation, immune function, digestion, gut barrier health, and occult blood
– 63 x microbial markers including markers related to IBD, mucin degradation and gut barrier impairment, SCFA production, SIBO, H. pylori, dysbiosis, inflammation.

Samples are collected from one stool test and results are available after 15 days.

Get in touch and book a free call here if you would like to book a comprehensive GI mapping test.

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