Tag: memory

The Benefits of Exercise for your Hormones


Exercise is the best gift you can give yourself for peri-menopause and beyond.

Consistent, regular exercise can change your life in ways you may not have considered.

Here are a few ways.

Benefit #1: It improves your self-esteem.

Exercising regularly or more than twice a week will make you feel better about yourself and naturally improve your self-esteem. It will make you feel like you have accomplished something and like you have done something amazing for yourself.

This feeling of accomplishment will make you believe in yourself more and you will become confident in other aspects of your life.

Benefit #2: It will make your skin glow.

If you battle with bad or dull skin, try adding exercise to your daily to-do list and make it a point to check it off.

Regular exercise can help relieve dullness and may help prevent the signs of early aging like wrinkles and fine lines.

Benefit #3: You will sleep better.

Regular exercise will reward you with a peaceful night of deep and quality sleep.

Exercising strengthens your body’s circadian rhythms, which keep you alert and awake during the day and make you feel sleepy at night. If you find it hard to sleep, try just fifteen minutes of exercise a day and notice the improvements.

Benefit #4: It helps control your weight.

Exercising on a regular basis helps you burn the calories that you have consumed throughout the day so that you can either lose or maintain your weight and build muscle tone.

Benefit #5: It improves your memory and brain health.

Exercising can improve your memory and the overall health of your brain. It can prevent brain fog, that sudden shut down of your brain that happens when you get tired and makes even the simplest and most routine tasks seem difficult and suddenly very confusing.

Exercise also stimulates the production of hormones, which aid in the repair and growth of your brain cells.

Benefit #6: It helps reduce chronic pains.

Regular exercise can help in reducing and possibly eliminating excruciating chronic pains. One of the most common causes of chronic pain is inactivity.

Your body is just like a machine; as long as it remains active, it will function well.

Several studies have also shown that regular exercise can increase your pain tolerance and decrease your body’s perception of pains and aches.

Benefit #7: It can help you feel happier.

Last but, not the least, regular exercise can help reduce or prevent feelings of anxiety and depression and make you feel happy again.

According to a study conducted by Oxford University, people who exercise regularly, even at a beginner level, are found to be more content and happier than those who fail to do so.

To feel even better, try increasing the intensity of your workouts slowly and feel more accomplished, healthy, and happy.

If you would like to learn more about 8 week gut healing, hormone balancing program click here

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker-May

How to Alkalize Your Body

Alkalizing your body simply means reducing its acidity, and you can do that by eating the right kind of foods.

There are a lot of benefits to alkalizing your body. An alkalized body often results in more nights of peaceful, deep sleep; an increase in energy; and a reduction in weight.

Alkalizing your body also promotes mental alertness, reduces candida growth, improves memory, generates healthier tissues, ensures proper functioning of your cells, supports a healthier heart, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases and muscle degeneration.

Alkalizing your body is a gift that you can give yourself.

Here are eight ways to do it.

  1. Not all acidic foods are bad.

This may seem counter-productive since you are trying to reduce acid levels in your body, but not all acidic foods are bad for you. Case in point: lemon.

Lemon may be an acidic food, but it helps to alkalize your body instead of harm it.

Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning. I recommend only DoTERRA certified pure therapeutic grade oils for this and can help you get started with the best oils for your health goals.

This will increase your body’s metabolism and help detoxify all the acids and toxins in your body.

  1. Devour the greens.

Another great way to alkalize your body is by adding green vegetables and fruits in your diet. Try a simple green salad with olive oil and sprinkle with some black pepper for seasoning.

  1. A for alkalizing. A for almonds.

Try adding unsalted and raw almonds to your diet as a snack. Almonds contain naturally occurring alkaline, magnesium, and calcium, which help your body to balance your body’s blood sugar and acidity.

  1. Don’t choose the cow.

Switch your milk to non-dairy, like almond milk or organic, NON GMO soy milk, because cow’s milk promotes more acid growth.

  1. Workout.

Exercise is vital to alkalizing your body. Even just fifteen minutes of exercise moves the acidic foods in your body to a position where it is easier to eliminate them from your body.

  1. Meditate.

Meditate daily in fresh air or invest in essential oils or a salt lamp.

Essential oils are known for purifying and cleansing your body. Investing in a Himalayan sea salt lamp will prove beneficial toward alkalizing your body because it will cleanse and purify it by producing negative ions and cancelling out the positive ions in your surroundings and in your body.

  1. Quit the meat.

Try to consume as little meat as possible. Better yet, start a completely plant-based diet. Meat tends to leave residual acid in your body even after it has been eliminated.  More plant based meals during the week will benefit your hormones and give you more energy.

  1. No more sugar. No more soda.

Cut out all alcohol, sweet drinks, carbonated drinks and sugar from your diet because they are nothing but empty calories. Choose water or green tea instead because they will detoxify your body from acidity.

An alkalized body is a balanced, happy body.

Try integrating a few of these into your daily routine and experience the difference of an alkalized body!

Have you been feeling overwhelmed with stress, worry and disturbed sleep?

You can ignore the root cause of the problem by drinking red wine. You can indulge in all the delicious home baked cakes made with love by your kids, but guess what?

The longer you ignore the root cause of your hormone hell, the worse the whispers will become. Ignore them long enough and your body will start to shout. You will end up at the menopause with severe headaches, brain fog, skin rashes and feeling ugly.

Your body does not like being ignored.  If you are not sleeping well your hormones will also be in havoc.   The more you worry, the less you digest and the more you will become accidentally overweight.

It’s a vicious cycle that wreaks havoc with hormones and digestion.  The two are closely linked and will also impact how you feel.  This makes you feel lousy about yourself and your life. You end up feeling unlovable and a long way from beautiful and sexy.

I work with ladies like this every day.

We work through the 7 foundations to healing from the inside out and we do that together.

They feel supported so they get the results.

Once we reach 40, we need to nourish ourselves in a different way.

If I could show you how to dissolve your hormones symptoms and reduce digestive stress in 8 weeks, would you join me?

If you would like to learn more about this ‘8 weeks to feeling fabulous’ program email me at trish@trishtuckermay.com

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May


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