Self-care is like a really good support bra!

A nourishing self-care ritual for vibrant health and energy.

What does your daily self-care regime look like? Do you have rituals that nourish and energise you? What do you do when you are feeling under the weather and not quite on top form? I have been pondering the idea of my own self-care regime and wondering if it is really enough to support me during periods of feeling unwell or overwhelmed. Spending a lot of time at the local hospital in support of a family member has left me feeling a bit drained. The time on the yoga matt, breathing and releasing, was just what I needed today. Followed by some time out and a cup of tea with my heros, my fellow yogis was just what the doctor ordered. My daily self-care regime consists of juicing, eating nourishing whole and raw food, exercising, meditating, quality sleep and hydrating with clean water. Visualising goals, repeating affirmations, enjoying the vibration of essential oils plus lots of hugs with loved ones are essential self-care rituals in my life. They help me bounce back after brief feelings of sadness, tiredness or overwhelm.

All of these wonderful self-care rituals leave a tangible residue of calm but vibrant energy in the body. Taking moments throughout the day to check in with the breath, even for three deep breaths has the impact of grounding energy in our busy schedule. It allows a flow and an ease in our day. It can allow a release of tension held in the jaws, the shoulders, and the neck. Checking in through the breath can allow a release of suppressed emotions, fears, perceptions which is so vital to our healing journey. We hold these emotions in the cells and if they build up in the cells it can lead to illness, tiredness, and dis-ease. When we check in with the body and the breath, the smallest most subtle release of tension can bring the flow back into our day. We can carry on, feeling energised again. Balance and flow returns. Our cells feel invigorated and rejuvenated. We feel more connected with our purpose. Once again we feel supported by our body and we can carry on to live the life we love, a life with passion, energy, calmness, love, joy, beauty and radiance.

We need to feel supported. Our body needs to feel supported in its healing process. Just like a good support bra and just like the yoga matt supports our body in our daily practise. It is our responsibility to support ourselves. Showing ourselves a deep, loving kindness means nourishing our bodies with living and whole, real food. It means allowing our bodies to rest when we need rest. It means finding an exercise that we love and we do daily. It means fuelling our body with clean food, water, air, quality sleep. It means speaking kindly to ourselves and being gentle with ourselves.

Does your self-care regime leave you feeling this way? If you would like further help with creating a self-care regime that invigorates you, get in touch. I run self-care workshops. I can teach you about juicing, making awesome smoothies, and energising, healthy food that tastes so awesome you will want to eat it every day. I can help you work out what foods and aspects of your lifestyle are robbing you of abundant energy.

The next self-care workshop will be held in Forster NSW, Australia at the Forster Yoga Studio. We always share a nourishing juice and a healthy snack. Take home recipes and a personalised action plan mean you will go away with a clear and tangible goal that will make an immediate difference in your life.

Workshops also take place in the Forest of Dean in the UK during the summer months. Keep in touch with event dates, recipes, gatherings and more inspiration by signing up to my newsletter. Don’t worry, I won’t bombard you with loads of newsletters and I won’t share your details with anyone else. But if you do need a little bit of help with your own self-care regime or any type of nutritional healing then please connect with me. I love posting pictures of my life on Instagram too – you get a little insight into my travelling adventure, the Passion 4 Juice healing kitchen and the occasional insight into the mad world or music festivals. I have a facebook page too if you want to like it and share with your friends.

About Trish Tucker and Passion 4 Juice

Passionate, energetic and inspirational are words used to describe Trish from Passion 4 Juice. Trish combines her passion for freedom, travel, adventure and keeping people healthy. Passion 4 Juice is an award winning business operating in Australia and the UK. She has endless energy for her kids and her business as she follows the sun, spreading warmth and the healing energy of her juicy taste sensations. Be inspired, motivated and impressed. Her energy is infectious and 32 years of juicing definitely shows – she squeezers a lot out of life! Trish serves fresh pressed juice at festivals, events and retreats. She is also available for workshops, seminars, and cookery theatre demonstrations. Trish has written a recipe book on the healing power of juice and shares her recipes online at

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