How To Maintain Gut Health In Self-Isolation

Staying indoors for a week can be stressful. More importantly, it also transforms your routine. Unfortunately, these factors can affect your gut health. Indeed, we all know how important it is for a healthy gut to stick to healthy habits and manage stress levels. So, here are some helpful tips to help you go through a week at home without putting your gut health at risk. 

The NHS track and trace app plays a significant role in reducing risks of contagions and tracking the virus spread. As such, when you receive a warning to self-isolate because you’ve been in contact with someone who’s tested positive for COVID-19, you know what to do. 

Depending on your level of exposure, the app may recommend different self-isolation approaches. However, for most people, the app suggests one week at home. The track and trace team will also get in touch with individuals in self-isolation to check their location at any time during the week.

Check items in your online grocery shopping

When you can’t buy your grocery directly from the shop, you will need to arrange for delivery. Thankfully, plenty of websites let you pass an online grocery order, including Ubereats. In other words, you won’t find it too challenging to get the food you need delivered to your home. You may not be able to find your usual products in your online shopping list. But, you can find safe alternatives for your gut.

Understanding how to read food labels (they are part of the information you get online) can be a game-changer. Once you understand the composition and ingredients in each product, you can make smart choices that support intestinal transit. You can use a simple list of nutrients to avoid and those to focus on to guide your shopping. Additionally, it’s important to use food labels for guidance rather than marketing messages. However pretty the packaging might look, don’t trust the claims it makes unless you can verify them through the list of ingredients. 

Make sure you don’t miss out on prescriptions

Do you have any medications you trust to support your gut health when you can’t follow the routine? Now is the perfect time to order these from a safe and practical platform such as Simple Online Pharmacy. You want to be prepared to make sure you can handle stress and change of habits seamlessly. Your gut is highly sensitive to sudden variations in the routine, so it’s best to take precautions.

Additionally, missing out on other prescribed medications when you can’t go to the pharmacy yourself or visit a doctor can be a source of anxiety. Be kind to your gut; avoiding unnecessary stress will help your gut ease into this new situation. The online pharmacy platform is designed especially for these situations when you can’t physically get hold of your medications. An online order that’s checked and approved by a medical expert can save you time and hassles.

Create a water schedule

Not drinking enough water can dramatically affect your gut health. Indeed, drinking plenty of water has a beneficial effect on your gut flora balance. But when your routine has been disrupted, it’s tricky to stick to healthy habits. The truth is that you might find yourself accidentally forgetting to drink. So, if you are worried about staying hydrated at home, you may want to create a drinking schedule. You can find plenty of apps that can remind you via a notification to drink regularly. You can also set up frequent alarms throughout the day, which would effectively replace the app notifications. You can also make things easier without a digital assistant by investing in a time-marked water bottle. Time-marked bottles can be kept on the desk or in your bag, ensuring you drink regularly and enough throughout the day. 

Make time for at-home workouts

Gut health is a complex topic. Introducing gut-helping workouts at home will help support your digestive health during this week at home (and hopefully later). All you need is a laptop and a yoga mat, and you’re ready to boost your gut health with targeted workouts. Joe Wicks has got some fantastic abs exercises that can encourage bowel movements and improve digestive health. These are great if you are struggling with constipation issues. You can also refer to yogi Adriene Mishler who has a helpful yoga for gut health workout that is both gentle and therapeutic. 

Keeping your gut in tip-top condition when you are self-isolating at home may be challenging at first, But there is plenty you do to support hydration, a healthy diet, medicated assistance, and natural digestive health. More importantly, staying calm and not feeling pressured will help handle the sudden change of routine peacefully. 


5 Natural Supplements To Help You Relax

According to the Mental Health Foundation, ‘74% of UK women have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.’ Stress symptoms can severely affect our relationships, work life, and our health. To ease the strain, it’s important to find ways to relax especially during perimenopause and beyond.  Stress will have a significant impact on gut health and your hormones. 

The natural world provides us with many plants that are perfect for relaxation. For some ideas to inspire you, consider these herbal remedies. When introducing a new supplement to your diet always follow the stated dose.

1 . Bacopa monnieri

Bacopa monnieri, sometimes called Brahmi, is one of the principle herbal remedies of Ayurvedic medicine. According to Research from HVMN, ‘In patients with anxiety, Bacopa monnieri had an anxiolytic effect, simply meaning an anti-anxiety effect.’ Taking a Bacopa supplement has many relaxing benefits including reducing the stress hormone, and regulating serotonin.

  1. Rhodiola

Rhodiola is a plant that grows across the mountain regions of Asia and Europe. The roots of the herb work as adaptogens, these support the body to adapt to situations of stress. For centuries people have used the herb to treat depression, fatigue and anxiety, particularly in Scandinavia.  It is an excellent herb to reduce cortisol and support unwanted menopause symptoms. 

One rhodiola study examined the effects of the herb on women who were suffering from long-term stress. The study participants took a rhodiola supplement over a course of four weeks. The results found, ‘significant improvements in symptoms of stress, such as fatigue, exhaustion and anxiety.’

  1. Passionflower 

Passionflower is a purple plant which comes from the Passiflora family. Studies have suggested that the herb can ease the effects of stress, anxiety and insomnia. Consuming the supplement seems to raise GABA levels in the brain, which is responsible for the relaxing effect. One passionflower study discovered that, ‘passionflower decreased anxiety and improved memory in rats.’ Passionflower can be purchased in capsule form, or you could try passionflower herbal tea.

  1. Hemp

Hemp is a type of Cannabis Sativa plant which has a THC content of 0.3 (or less). Hemp plants are often used to make CBD oil. Due to the low THC content, CBD is not psychoactive. When you consume CBD oil you’ll experience a calming effect. Many women use CBD to sleep better, or to handle anxiety symptoms in menopause. Several studies have praised CBD as a useful supplement for stress, insomnia and anxiety. For an excellent range of CBD products, take a look at Bloom Farms Wellness.

  1. Siberian Ginseng

Siberian Ginseng is extracted using the roots of the Eleutherococcus senticosus herb. It’s an adaptogen which can help the body to relax and combat stress. There are several other health benefits associated with the plant. It’s associated with reduced fatigue and increased energy. Evidence also suggests that the plant can improve cognitive function and boost your immune system.

The above supplements can be purchased via my website and in health food shops, and some pharmacies. With so many amazing herbal supplements, you should find something that works for you. If you take medication you should discuss any new supplements with a doctor. 

If you are struggling with addiction to drugs and alcohol please consider getting in touch with  Are partnered with over 140 clinics of this nature across the UK and abroad to help individuals break free from the shackles of addiction and find a treatment that’s ideally suited to their needs. They offer a variety of ways to assist you or your loved one in seeking out effective addiction treatment:

  • An over-the-phone assessment to determine if you require addiction treatment
  • Access to over 140+ clinics across the UK and abroad
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  • Fast access to emergency detox treatment, is appropriate
  • Access to professional interventionists across the UK
  • Advice by staff members who are themselves in recovery
  • Information on both private and statutory funded addiction treatment providers

If you would like me to review your supplements and recommend something suitable please book a free discovery call here

I have a great understanding of the journey to recovery and I welcome your call.


The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga, Nutritionalist
Yoga is a disciplined Hindu exercise routine that focuses on breathing, posture, and mindfulness. The practice of yoga was initially founded in ancient India and is a part of Hindu religious practices. It has grown in popularity and is now practiced by a large population of people searching for health and mental peace.
The main goal of practicing yoga is to attain “moksha,” which means “liberation.” According to many yoga gurus, there are five main goals or elements of yoga. These five main elements are:
Yoga, award winning nutritionist

  • Being disciplined toward attaining a goal
  • Controlling your body movements
  • Controlling your mind
  • Connecting with your spiritual self
  • Attaining the highest level of self-awareness
  • Yoga provides a lot of benefits to our body, health, and mind. Here are just a few of them.


  1. It improves your body’s flexibility.

Yoga can help make you more flexible and agile, especially with regular practice yoga. This flexibility can help prevent injuries or strain and help relieve muscle and nerve pain.

  1. It helps build muscle strength.

With regular practice, yoga can also help build muscle strength and tone. This strengthening of our muscles can also help protect us against pain and various diseases like arthritis.

  1. It improves your posture.

Yoga can help improve your posture, preventing backaches and neck pains and strain. Young yoga practitioners have also reported an increase in height due to the improvement in their posture. A straight spine can balance your whole body much more easily than a spine that lacks good posture. Poor posture can cause your body to strain and cause you to feel lazy and tired. It also puts you at higher risk for degenerative arthritis of the spine.

  1. It improves the overall health of your bones.

Yoga can help improve your bone strength and health and prevent breaks or fractures.

  1. It regulates the circulation of your blood flow.

Regular yoga practice can help improve the circulation of your blood flow, especially in your feet and hands. This prevents your body from swelling or becoming inflamed. A healthy and regulated flow of blood in your body encourages overall better health. It also helps provide oxygen to your lungs and regulate the transfer of oxygen to your tissues by boosting the level of red blood cells and haemoglobin in your body. All of this can help reduce your risk of stroke and other forms of heart diseases and illnesses.

  1. It lowers stress levels.

Yoga brings you mental peace by helping you manage your stress levels through deep breathing exercises and practiced mindfulness.

  1. It helps maintain your blood pressure.

Regular yoga practice has been found to be greatly beneficial in maintaining your body’s blood pressure.

  1. It helps in regulating your adrenal glands.

Yoga can help lower your cortisol levels, helping to regulate the functioning of your adrenal glands. Healthy adrenal glands can help you in losing weight and maintaining overall health.

If you would like to learn more about my 8-week gut healing and hormone balancing program, click here
Yours in health and wellness,
Trish Tucker-May

If you are thinking about being alcohol free you may want to read this first

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Discover how alcohol damages your health

Many of you know that I am studying nutrition and have been doing so for a very long time. I love learning about health, wellness and energy. This weeks topic is the production of hormones. During my study I came across some very relevant information about the metabillism of alcohol. I want to share this with you. I have totally changed my relationship with alcohol and have long periods of time alcohol free. The following information is with thanks to Precision Nutrition. Each of us has to make up their own mind about alcohol consumption and some of this information may help you. Try switching your 5pm favourite drink for a smoothie or juice several times per week and feel the difference in energy.

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