My Top 7 Natural Remedies To Boost Your Immune System

Getting sick is awful. It disrupts your routine and affects every sphere of your life.

Prevention is the best medicine.

Here are some of my favourite natural remedies that may prevent you from getting sick.


Healthy juicing is another way to detox your body and get rid of the toxins that make you sick. To keep your immune system going and working efficiently, it needs a regular boost of minerals and vitamins. This is easy to do with the help of juicing. Pack your juices with any combination of the following ingredients:

  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Tomato
  • Kale
  • Turmeric
  • Celery
  • Beet
  • Strawberry
  • Mango
  • Ginger
  • Kiwi
  • Watermelon
  • Mint
  • Pumpkin seed
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Chia seeds

Play around with these ingredients to find tasty combinations that you prefer. These ingredients are rich in minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, folate, folic acid, fatty acids, and vitamins like A, B6, C and E.

2. Herbal teas:There is nothing easier than an herbal tea to keep your immune system going. Drink herbal teas after meals to help prevent illness. Some recommended herbal teas for fighting disease and illness are jasmine, mint, lemongrass, cinnamon, and ginger. These herbal teas contain antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They also boost lymph flow and eliminate toxins.

3. Gentle daily movement – motion is lotion:

Either yoga, walking, tai chi or rebounding. All will work to support to digestive system, reduce stress and support healthy lungs and heart.  Rebounding is a safe, easy exercise that may keep you from getting sick. It is cheap, time efficient and convenient. To perform this exercise, just buy a small trampoline and jump on it a few times after you wake up. Deep breathing and a few gentle bounces are more than enough to circulate oxygen toward your tissues and remove harmful acids from your body.

4. Epsom Salt Bath:

A detox bath with Epsom salt is a great way to prevent the common cold. For Epsom salt detox bath, run a bath of warm water and add one cup of Epsom salt and a few drops of your favourite essential oil like lavender and vetiver.  Get in touch via my website to purchase these beautiful essential oils.

Lavender essential oil is a great choice trying to purify and cleanse your body. For better and more effective results, you can also add a little ground ginger and baking soda to your bath, too. This bath will help your body get rid of harmful toxins and provide overall health to your body. This bath will also help cleanse your thyroid, kidney, and liver.

5. Acupuncture:

Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine common in China that stimulates the flow of lymph in your body, regulating your body’s processes of your body and fending off illness. It may help prevent diseases and illnesses like sinusitis, arthritis, colds, infections, flu and much more.

Acupuncture is administered by pushing thin needles into certain pressure points of your body. Search for professional clinics in your area. Some gyms and healing clinics also offer acupuncture services to their customers.  It was life changing for me when I broke my neck in my late 20’s.  it is brilliant for pain management and immune support.

6. Supplements:

The best supplements are based on whole foods, bio food or bioavailable. What that means is they are more easily absorbed and used in the body.   I highly recommend magnesium, zinc, B vitamins and Adaptogens as a good place to start.  If you are feeling low, tired, or stressed please get in touch so I can guide you to the best supplements for you.

7. Essential oils:

These are a gift from mother nature. They are derived from the stems, bark, flowers, resin, and roots of plants. Essential Oils can be profoundly effective in supporting the immune system, sleep, weight loss, cleansing and even balancing hormones.  Reach out to me so I can guide you to the best oils for your symptoms.  The most popular oils for my clients include Frankincense, lavender, copaiba, peppermint, lemon, and the citrus oils.  The range is huge and different oils work well for different ailments so get in touch so I can guide you.

No one likes getting sick. Before you reach for your medicine cabinet or take a trip to the doctor’s surgery and pharmacy, try a few of these natural remedies to keep your immune system fighting for you!

If you would like to learn more about my 8 week gut healing program or the marvelous menopause guide click here

Now is the time to get the support you need.

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May

PS if you are struggling in lockdown but you want support, join the free FB group GOOD GUT HEALTH


How to Alkalize Your Body

Alkalizing your body simply means reducing its acidity, and you can do that by eating the right kind of foods.

There are a lot of benefits to alkalizing your body. An alkalized body often results in more nights of peaceful, deep sleep; an increase in energy; and a reduction in weight.

Alkalizing your body also promotes mental alertness, reduces candida growth, improves memory, generates healthier tissues, ensures proper functioning of your cells, supports a healthier heart, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases and muscle degeneration.

Alkalizing your body is a gift that you can give yourself.

Here are eight ways to do it.

  1. Not all acidic foods are bad.

This may seem counter-productive since you are trying to reduce acid levels in your body, but not all acidic foods are bad for you. Case in point: lemon.

Lemon may be an acidic food, but it helps to alkalize your body instead of harm it.

Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning. I recommend only DoTERRA certified pure therapeutic grade oils for this and can help you get started with the best oils for your health goals.

This will increase your body’s metabolism and help detoxify all the acids and toxins in your body.

  1. Devour the greens.

Another great way to alkalize your body is by adding green vegetables and fruits in your diet. Try a simple green salad with olive oil and sprinkle with some black pepper for seasoning.

  1. A for alkalizing. A for almonds.

Try adding unsalted and raw almonds to your diet as a snack. Almonds contain naturally occurring alkaline, magnesium, and calcium, which help your body to balance your body’s blood sugar and acidity.

  1. Don’t choose the cow.

Switch your milk to non-dairy, like almond milk or organic, NON GMO soy milk, because cow’s milk promotes more acid growth.

  1. Workout.

Exercise is vital to alkalizing your body. Even just fifteen minutes of exercise moves the acidic foods in your body to a position where it is easier to eliminate them from your body.

  1. Meditate.

Meditate daily in fresh air or invest in essential oils or a salt lamp.

Essential oils are known for purifying and cleansing your body. Investing in a Himalayan sea salt lamp will prove beneficial toward alkalizing your body because it will cleanse and purify it by producing negative ions and cancelling out the positive ions in your surroundings and in your body.

  1. Quit the meat.

Try to consume as little meat as possible. Better yet, start a completely plant-based diet. Meat tends to leave residual acid in your body even after it has been eliminated.  More plant based meals during the week will benefit your hormones and give you more energy.

  1. No more sugar. No more soda.

Cut out all alcohol, sweet drinks, carbonated drinks and sugar from your diet because they are nothing but empty calories. Choose water or green tea instead because they will detoxify your body from acidity.

An alkalized body is a balanced, happy body.

Try integrating a few of these into your daily routine and experience the difference of an alkalized body!

Have you been feeling overwhelmed with stress, worry and disturbed sleep?

You can ignore the root cause of the problem by drinking red wine. You can indulge in all the delicious home baked cakes made with love by your kids, but guess what?

The longer you ignore the root cause of your hormone hell, the worse the whispers will become. Ignore them long enough and your body will start to shout. You will end up at the menopause with severe headaches, brain fog, skin rashes and feeling ugly.

Your body does not like being ignored.  If you are not sleeping well your hormones will also be in havoc.   The more you worry, the less you digest and the more you will become accidentally overweight.

It’s a vicious cycle that wreaks havoc with hormones and digestion.  The two are closely linked and will also impact how you feel.  This makes you feel lousy about yourself and your life. You end up feeling unlovable and a long way from beautiful and sexy.

I work with ladies like this every day.

We work through the 7 foundations to healing from the inside out and we do that together.

They feel supported so they get the results.

Once we reach 40, we need to nourish ourselves in a different way.

If I could show you how to dissolve your hormones symptoms and reduce digestive stress in 8 weeks, would you join me?

If you would like to learn more about this ‘8 weeks to feeling fabulous’ program email me at

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May


Habits to Start Your Morning Right


Your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, so you need to start your day right to not just to get by, but to conquer the rest of your day. To adding these tips to your morning routine.

  1. Plan your things the night before.

You have two choices: you can start your morning calm and pre-planned, or you can rush around, not sure what you put in your bag and what you did not. Make sure you start the day with a big glass on water.

  1. Oil pulling is a great technique.

Oil pulling is one of my favorite and most effective advanced tools because it cleanses the mouth of bacteria and yeast that can lead to infection and toxicity in the body.

You should oil pull in the morning on an empty stomach and follow up with tongue scraping (above).

  • Put 1-2 tablespoons of coconut or sesame oil in your mouth.
  • Add in 3 drops of DoTERRA tea tree oil or peppermint oil to support the lymphatic system and help the saliva ducts.
  • Swish the oil for 5-20 minutes.
  • Spit the oil into the trash to prevent it from clogging your sink.
  • Rinse your mouth with water and sea salt, then brush your teeth.
  • Follow up with tongue scraping.
  1. Tongue scraping

Tongue scraping is one of my go-to tools to relieve my body of toxicity. This removes mucus and toxic buildup in your mouth.

You can purchase a tongue scraper or simply use a spoon. I use Dr. Tung’s Tongue Cleaner.

In the morning and at night, reach to the back of your tongue with your scraper and pull forward, scraping off the white film and then repeating.

You have a ton of things in your hand including your breakfast, your hair is undone, your shoes are missing, and everything is chaos. To ensure a pleasant morning, plan a few things ahead of time. Before you go to bed in the evening, you can shower, set out and iron your clothes out, set out the products that you are going use, pack your essentials, and make sure your shoes have their match and are waiting by the door.

  1. Wake up a little earlier.

If you find it hard to plan out your routine the night before, try waking up a few minutes earlier than the time you actually need to be up. You will reap a lot of benefits if you wake up just ten minutes earlier. You can have a calm and enjoyable morning instead of a rushed one. You will the time to actually wake your brain up so you can inspect your essentials with an alert and avoid mistakes. Start by waking up 10 minutes earlier each day, gradually working toward 30 minutes by the end of the month. This will give you time to say some affirmations or do gentle yoga or tai chi – this is a great way to support the gut brain axis and the parasympathetic nervous system.

  1. Wake up immediately.

You snooze, you lose. Always wake up the instant you hear your alarm go off. That five minutes of extra sleep is doing nothing but harm and may be confusing your brain. What is the guarantee that you will wake up after five minutes and not an hour later?

  1. Make your bed.

To make sure that you do not jump right back in, make your bed right after you get out of it. This will make you feel productive and motivated to start the rest of your morning right. You will feel like you have already checked one thing off your mornings to do list.

  1. Stretch and smile.

Wake up with a stretch and a smile. Stretching wakes up your body and smiling releases endorphins that will make you feel more positive throughout your morning and the rest of your day. If you don’t try to shake that groggy and grumpy feeling first thing in the morning, chances are that you will be more tired and grumpy throughout the rest of the day.

  1. Brush your teeth immediately.

Some people believe in brushing their teeth after they are completely done with their morning routine, but it is better to brush your teeth first thing when you get into the bathroom. It will wake you up by getting rid of your morning breath and increase alertness by activating your senses.  The sense of smell and taste have a big impact on the gut health.  If you are losing the sense of smell you may also have a compromised digestive function.   Seeing a nutritionist about why this is happening will improve your energy and the absorption of vital nutrients.

  1. Let the natural light in.

Open your blinds and pushing back your curtains. Let all that natural light in. It will make you feel happy and positive. You will be a lot slower in the morning if you skip this step. This little night to morning transition will go a long way toward powering you through your morning routine.   This will stimulate cortisol and help you feel more awake. Sleep is a 24-hour cycle and we need a balance of hormones to help us feel awake when we should be and sleep well all night long.

  1. Take a few minutes to sit down and digest breakfast.

Eating as you race out the door or driving will impact your digestion.  Allow time for chewing, swallowing and the process of digestion to happen.  You should chew each mouthful between 30-40 times, not 3 or 4. This same applies to smoothies and juices. Slow it down and feel the benefits.

If you would like to learn more about my ‘8 weeks to feeling fabulous’ program just click here

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May


Foods to Help You Sleep

Woman sleeping
Sleep for health

Sleep 7 –9 hours a night is the recommendation to not just function, but to thrive in your life. You probably already know those nights that you barely get any sleep because:

#1: you couldn’t shut your mind

#2: had the list of to-dos running through it

#3: had to get work done

#4: your kids kept you up

So, you could hardly focus on anything. Because SLEEP – just didn’t happen!


A Harvard study claimed, “lack of adequate sleep can affect judgment, mood, ability to learn and retain information, and may increase the risk of serious accidents and injury.” The report also mentioned that sleep deprivation could lead to health problems and even early mortality. Wow! We need some sleep, like NOW!

If you’ve been wishing for just ONE night of sleep? What if you could have plenty of those nights? Wouldn’t that just be AMAZING?

Sleep has a huge impact on your hormones.

The vital sleep hormones are cortisol and melatonin

Sleep is a 24-hour cycle, not just something that happens when you go to bed. In the morning, your body makes cortisol to wake you up. In the evening it makes melatonin to make you sleepy. Hormonal factors that influence sleep can include making too much cortisol, making cortisol at the wrong times of day, and not making enough melatonin.

Serotonin also influences sleep

A healthy sleep cycle includes anchoring both cortisol and melatonin, so that you are awake and alert when you should be, and tired when you should be.

Sleep is when we repair cells – the heart of the immune system.

Reducing cortisol during the day and evening with diet, stress management and essential oils

Set a bedtime routine, including using essential oils to support the production of serotonin. Your wish may be answered right here! Adding blends of oils including roman chamomile, lavender and ylang ylang is a beautiful way to support a restful night sleep.

Try adding the following foods to your diet, especially if you find yourself tossing and turning at night, counting sheep to get a little shut eye.


Chamomile is commonly known as a mild tranquilizer or sleep inducer. It has calming effects that may decrease anxiety and initiate sleep.  Some chamomile tea can be a great idea before heading to bed to unwind, relax and de-stress. Roman chamomile essential oil in your diffuser or in the bath will help you de-stress and will also help with the production of serotonin.


Pistachios are not only tasty, but they are a jackpot for sleep. They are jampacked with magnesium, protein, and vitamin B6, which have a major role in inducing sleep. Consuming a healthy amount of pistachios before going to bed will knock you out like nothing else. You can eat them raw or add them to a glass of warm milk.  However, more than one ounce of pistachios will have a reverse effect on your body; eat in moderation to avoid exacerbating your sleep issues.


Kiwis contain serotonin, a brain chemical that helps regulate your sleep cycle. Many people actually take serotonin supplements to help with sleep, but wouldn’t you rather eat something that tastes delicious to get the same effect? Not only do kiwis contain serotonin, but they also may boost your sleep abilities due to their levels of vitamin C and carotenoids which reduce inflammation. When I feel that I may not be able to sleep at night, I eat 2 kiwi and they usually do the job.

Tart cherry juice

Tart cherry juice contains high levels of melatonin that regulate your internal clock and send signals for your body to get ready to sleep. Clients who drank tart cherry juice increased their sleep time by 90 minutes!


This fruit is a powerhouse of magnesium and potassium, which serve as natural sleep aids for your body. If you are feeling wide awake late into the night, try a banana to get yourself to sleep. You can even whip yourself up a thick sugar-free banana smoothie before you go to bed. Bananas are high-glycaemic fruits, so try adding in some protein or good fat with your smoothie so sugar levels don’t skyrocket into the night. Some of my favourites are coconut oil or almond butter, but you get to pick!


Walnuts contain tryptophan, which helps produce melatonin and serotonin in the body and improve the quality of our sleep by regulating the sleep cycles. Walnuts contain their own source of melatonin, which may help you fall asleep faster.

Pumpkin seeds

A cup of roasted pumpkin seeds contains around 649 mg of magnesium, which is nearly double the daily recommendation of the National Health Institute. Magnesium supports deep, restorative sleep by maintaining healthy levels of GABA (a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep). Magnesium deficiencies are associated with heightened stress and anxiety, which of course lead to less sleep, so these pumpkin seeds have many benefits.

If you’ve been searching for the magical solution to get more sleep, no need to keep searching. Try to avoid the over-the-counter sleep aid and add these foods to your bedtime routine to get your body on the right path to sound sleep!

If you would like to try my best essential oils for sleep, email me here and I will be happy to send you the blissful night sleep blend.

Yours in health and wellness,


8 Foods to Give You Energy

You need loads of energy to get through your day. When you feel like slacking or low on energy, you most likely need to get some nutrient-dense foods in your system. Here are some foods that will give you a quick boost of lasting energy without the crash.

Bowl of Oats
Oats for Energy
  1. Oats:

Oats are one of the easiest and most delicious and versatile ingredients ever. Oats contain the healthy type of carbs that are a great source of energy. They help metabolize the energy in your body by providing nutrients like vitamin B, thiamine, folate and niacin. Oatmeal is personalized energy! You can throw in whatever ingredients you like. Soaking oats overnight make them easy to digest.

To enjoy a warm bowl of delicious oatmeal, try this recipe:

Boil two scoops of oatmeal in a pinch of salt, a cup of water, and two tablespoons of peanut butter. Cook until the water is absorbed and it looks a little soupy. You can even sprinkle some black pepper on the top for additional taste and seasoning.

  1. Eggs:

Eggs can provide 30% of the protein your body requires and help strengthen and build your muscles. You can use eggs however you like. You can make an omelet, scramble them up, or simply hard-boil them. Having protein and fat at every meal can help you feel fuller for longer. Be fussy about the quality of your eggs. Happy free range hens will lay eggs that have great nutritional value then caged hens.

  1. Yogurt:

Yogurt may be an easy thing to snack on, but it also provides your body with an incredible amount of energy. It’s milk, lactose, and low sugar levels are responsible for the energy, and the protein helps slow food digestion so you can store the energy for a longer period of time.  Adding ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper and one drop of DoTERRA lemon oil is a great way to fire up your digestion.

  1. Shrimp:

Shrimp is rich in vitamin B12 and very low in calories. Vitamin B12 helps your body produce energy at a much faster rate. Shrimp also contains omega 3 fatty acids, which help boost your mood and your energy levels. If you are vegan, you can obtain B12 by brewing your own kombucha or fermenting sauerkraut. If you have a look on my website and Fb page I share how to make these.

5. Hummus:

This Mediterranean dish is made from various herbs, spices, and chickpeas. It also contains olive oil, lemon juice, and sesame seed paste. These ingredients provide the nutrients and healthy carbs needed to help our bodies produce energy.  They also contain healthy fats and protein, which means that you will be able to store that energy for a longer period.  Soaking chickpeas in water and 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar will help remove phytic acid and make them easier to digest.

  1. Strawberry:

Strawberries contain natural fructose, which gives you a quick yet sustainable boost of energy. You eat them raw or add them to your oatmeal, acai bowls or smoothies.

  1. Spinach:

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of cells. Spinach contains nitrates that are responsible for improving the efficiency of mitochondria, helping provide energy to your cells.

  1. Bananas:

Bananas not only provide your body with energy but also help in storing it. They make a perfect snack before you head to the gym.

Try adding some of these foods to your diet to boost your energy levels and power up your body’s performance!

If you would like to learn more about my 8 week gut healing program just click here

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May

Diverticulitis- foods to avoid

Diverticulitis is found in the large intestine. It happens when the walls of the colon lose elasticity. This is often something that accompanies the ageing process as we know by the wrinkles and saggy bits visible on our skin.

Diverticulitis usually develops when naturally weak places in your colon give way under pressure. This causes marble-sized pouches to protrude through the colon wall.

Diverticulitis occurs when diverticula tear, resulting in inflammation or infection or both.

Award winning nutritionist Trish Tucker May suggests there are several factors may increase your risk of developing diverticulitis:

  • Aging – the incidence of diverticulitis increases with age. As we age we have more of a build up of waste in the colon. Years of inflammatory foods can cause irritation and build up of faecal matter in the colon.  It is worth identifying foods that cause inflammation through an elimination program to find out what foods inflame your body and cause unwanted digestive distress, obesity, diabetes and other common lifestyle diseases. This elimination is also to help you to become leptin sensitive which should ensure insulin sensitivity, regulated blood sugar, less food cravings, clarity of mind, better skin integrity and an overall improved sense of health and well-being.
  • Obesity – being seriously overweight increases your odds of developing diverticulitis.
  • Smoking – People who smoke cigarettes are more likely than non-smokers to experience diverticulitis.
  • Lack of exercise – vigorous exercise appears to lower your risk of diverticulitis.  The lymph plays a vital part in the main route of elimination.  The lymph does not have a pump, like the heart. It requires gentle muscle contraction to be stimulated. If you have a sluggish lymph due to a lack of exercise, then you are also likely to have a sluggish colon. The slower the transit time, the greater risk of food and debris getting stuck.
  • Diet high in animal fat and low in fiber. A low-fiber diet in combination with a high intake of animal fat seems to increase risk, although the role of low fiber alone isn’t clear.  Too much dried or processed food is difficult for the colon.  We want to give the body the swollen message of hydrated foods rather than dried processed foods.  Foods high in fibre will mean transit time is more efficient. White rice, white bread, or white pasta, but avoid gluten-containing foods if you’re intolerant, dry low-fibre cereals and processed fruits such as applesauce or canned peaches are all to be avoided if you have digestive distress.
  • Certain medications – Several drugs are associated with an increased risk of diverticulitis, including steroids, opioids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve).  It is possible that all synthetic drugs are compromising to the health of the colon. They are dehydrating and can cause inflammation.
  • some foods may cause of aggravate Diverticulitis:
    • White rice, white bread, or white pasta, but avoid gluten-containing foods if you’re intolerant
    • Dry, low-fiber cereals.
    • Processed fruits such as applesauce or canned peaches
    • Cooked animal proteins such as fish, poultry, or eggs
    • Olive oil or other oils

Award winning nutritionist, Trish Tucker May suggests a Linseed tea, brewed for an hour.  Place 2 tablespoons of linseeds in a pan (or Thermomix bowl) and 1 litre of boiling water. Bring back to the boil. Turn off and cover, leave to stand for 8-10 hours. Bring to the boil again and simmer for 1 hour. (don’t boil over as it is hard to clean off the stove). Strain the seeds out while hot. Best to use clean filtered water and organic whole linseeds.

You can water this down if the consistency is too gloopy. Once you get used to the thickness and texture you can have it straight.  Have a mug a day and while drinking, tell yourself it is all okay. This gives your body a message of hydration and reassurance. ‘I am okay’, ‘Everything is okay’

Trish Tucker May recommends to choose natural nutrition and unrefined foods to get all the phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and enzymes that you need for optimum health.  A significant increase in the amount of green vegetables and an array of coloured vegetables on the plate will help support better immune function, stable moods and energy.  The naturally occurring properties in plants play a vital role in the preventative treatment of disease and support the intestinal flora, which constitute a major part of your immune system. Juice, smoothies and raw food are a great way to get a massive amount of nutrition into our bodies.

You can read more on the Total Wellness website here

Discover wellness with essential oils.

How would you like to wake up with enthusiasm every day?

  • How would you like to maintain your energy levels throughout the day?
  • Do you wish you knew what lifestyle choices will give you more energy, health and joy for life?
  • Are you ready to transform your health and vitality so you can do the things you love and enjoy?
  • Would you like to know how to remove harmful chemicals from your kitchen and bathroom?
  • Do you wish you knew how to support your children with strategies to reduce stress and overwhelm?

Join us for this unique opportunity to spend an afternoon fully immersed in all things healthy.

It is your chance to treat yourself. The goal of this wellness afternoon is simple — To learn how to listen to your body and reclaim your energy. You will leave with practical ways that will help you with more energy and healthy living.

Make time in your diary today and be prepared to leave looking and feeling like a different person.

We bring together experienced wellness practitioners, for an afternoon of nourishing snacks, words of wisdom, proven techniques, and profoundly practical self-care rituals.

What you will learn:

  • How your lifestyle choices affect your energy levels and overall well-being.
  • How you can choose self-care techniques, so you have all the energy and vitality to enjoy life and do the things you want to do.
  • Discover the power of cleansing and restoring the gut health. Recipes that you will absolutely love and transform your life.
  • How essential oils can help you feel more energised, sleep better, relieve pain and inflammation and much more.
  • Practical self-care rituals and mini meditations that you can incorporate into your life immediately,
  • Learn about zero tox and zero waste cleaning and keeping your home environment clear of toxins and
  • Much, much more…

About your presenters.

Trish Tucker May

Recently awarded UK’s Nutritionist of the Year, Trish has specialist and in-depth knowledge of nutrition, motivation and healing.  She has worked in Europe, Australia and the UK. She has 37 years experience juicing and creating healthy food.  She has overcome asthma and severe allergies using natural solutions.

Trish helps people find the energy, enthusiasm and passion to refresh and revitalise their approach to health and wellness, including how to set priorities and make healthier decisions.

Passionate about everything she does, Trish has put her ideals and strategies to the test with many different clients. Trish specialises in elimination diets, hormonal issues, weight loss, detoxing your home and healing using natural remedies.

Contact Trish for workshop dates near you

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