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Three top tips for healthy families

When you have a family you are responsible for yours and their health. It can be a little stressful to think about your own health as parents and to make sure your kids are on the right track.

It’s easier to do than you might think, just make sure you teach them how to eat healthily, exercise, and keep up with your visits to the doctor, opticians, or Bowral Street Dental Practice.

Let’s have a look at some of the things you should keep on top of below: 

Promoting A Healthy Diet 

As an adult, you tend to have an idea about what is good and bad for you in terms of food and drink. You need to make sure you have a varied and well-balanced diet as well as your kids. They don’t know what is too much yet, or what the best choices are. It’s your job to teach them about moderation and how to make healthy choices. Encourage them as much as possible to learn about their choices. You should also try to offer water as the first choice when it comes to drinking. If you are unsure what is healthy for your kids or how much they should be eating, have a look online, there are plenty of resources and recipes to try. 

Promoting Exercise 

Getting enough exercise is a vital part of living a healthy lifestyle. It’s even more important when you are looking after a family too. You can give your kids the best start and introduce healthy habits by teaching them they can easily include exercise as part of their normal routine. Kids who take part in the exercise as a normal routine will usually carry this into their adult life and become healthy adults who lead a healthy lifestyle with our finding it stressful. Whether it’s a family cycle or hike at the weekend, taking them to football, cricket or just walking to the shop instead of using the car, these little pieces of exercise will become normal and not forced. 

Family Check Up’s 

With a family, it is more important than ever to make sure you are going to regular check-ups. Not only does it keep your family healthy, but it also teaches your children the importance of them looking after themselves and getting help when they need it. Whether it’s for a recurring issue or it’s a yearly check-up, it’s a good idea for children to become involved from an early age.

A child seeing a parent sitting in the dentist chair could help them overcome fears. There are many adults who are scared of places like the dentist or optician because they don’t remember it in a positive way from childhood. Your oral hygiene has a big impact on your gut health so don’t ignore it. 

These should help you to keep your family healthy. Your families health should be something that comes to the top of the list.

Do you have any others tips that could help?  Join the Thriving Gut Health FB group to discuss more ideas.

Please share some in the comments below. 


How to Have Better Relationships Through Your Own Self Love

In today’s busy world, we rarely set time aside for ourselves and often ignore our well being. This ignorance can lead to mental and physical health issues and start to seep into our relationships. It is critical that you take some time out of your busy schedule for just you. We tend to neglect ourselves and put off taking a break for any sort of self-care.

This can lead to a never-ending work cycle with no recreation that may leave you feeling down, frustrated or even hysteric. The easy solution to this problem is to take care of you. Take some “me-time” out of your around-the-clock schedule and treat yourself to something nice and stress-relieving.

Do not feel selfish about it, because when you feel good, you are better able to take good care of your relationships and your work.

Ways to Promote Self-love

There is no specific rule of thumb to taking care of yourself; it can involve anything you like to do that makes you feel refreshed. Here is a short list of ideas:

  • Spend some time alone, away from the world, in a calm and quiet place. You can go for a morning walk or visit a park. Don’t turn on the TV or laptop. Just be with yourself.
  • Reflect on what has been happening in your life. Appreciate your achievements and encourage yourself to do more.
  • Read your favorite book or some poetry.
  • Focus your energy on being a beautiful person on the inside rather than focusing on the outward beauty.
  • Get up early in the morning, eat healthily throughout the day, get some exercise and meditation, and go to bed early. This healthy routine will keep your mind and body on the right track and your soul will automatically feel refreshed.

With these simple steps, you can learn to love yourself and bring positive changes to your life.

Spend Time with Your Loved Ones

Spending time with your loved ones is food for the soul. You feel refreshed and happy when you get enough attention, love, and time from your loved ones and vice versa. To boost the energy level of your mind and body and to help satisfy your soul, try to maximize the time you spend with your family, your partner, and your kids. Here are some good ways to maximize small amounts of time:

  • Arrange specific activities that you love to do with your partner or kids. For example, go to a theme park and take rides with your children, or plan a movie night with your partner. These little trips will help you stay happy and feel blessed.
  • Always plan ahead if you are usually busy so that you don’t disappoint your family by not showing up.
  • Give yourself a break from technology; your phone, iPad, and laptop need to stay away from you in order for you to spend quality time with your family and actually be present in the moment.
  • Try to communicate with your partner and children one-on-one to promote feelings of mutual love and respect.
  • Use positive affirming words to give off positive vibes.

These steps will help to promote a healthy family life, which will have a deep positive impact on your mind, body, and soul. Loving your family and loving your life starts with loving yourself. Love yourself and you will excel!

If you would like to learn more about my Time To Nourish 8 week program just click here


Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May


How to Buy the Best Probiotic

With a plethora of options to choose from, it has become a grueling task to choose the right probiotic supplements for you. Here are some tips that will help guide you to select the best probiotic supplement right for you.

Colony Forming Units (CFUs)

CFUs, or Colony Forming Units, are the measuring unit of probiotics. This number must be clearly displayed on the probiotics bottle. A probiotic should be in the range of 3-50 billion CFUs to best suit your digestive system.

A lower range would be sufficient as a maintenance product. This potency will allow you to recover the probiotics lost due to the modern lifestyle when otherwise you have a completely healthy digestive system.

The higher potencies are recommended for specific instances, including the following:

Stress and Travelling: Most of our immune cells live in our gut, so it is imperative to reinforce them during times that might prove crucial for our immunity, like while traveling or going through a stressful situation. The intake of probiotics at this time can help you to avoid any future concerns.

Older Age: As we age, our microbiomes lose probiotics much faster, particularly Bifidobacteria, which is found in the large intestine. A reduction in its amount may cause digestive problems. For such cases, a high potency probiotic that has high concentrations of Bifidobacteria is recommended.

Diet: An unhealthy diet loaded with processed foods is also responsible for depleting our natural probiotics. Including probiotics supplements can help a great deal in offsetting this damage.

Compromised Digestive System: If you have a problematic digestive system, probiotic intake may help restore some balance.

Products above 50 billion CFUs really don’t provide any added benefit, so don’t be fooled into thinking more is better.

No Irritants

You should look for a supplement that is free of chemicals and ingredients that could upset your gastrointestinal tract instead of aiding it. Choose a probiotic that has listed all the potential irritants that it does NOT include to be sure of the good quality of the supplement.

Shelf Stability and Guaranteed Potency

It is imperative to get what you pay for. It is important to be sure that if the manufacturer says they put 50 billion CFUs in the product you purchased that that number of CFUs remains the same four months later. To be sure of this, it is important to pay full attention to the labeling while making the purchase. The supplement you purchase should specifically say, “Potency Guaranteed Until Time of Expiration.”  It should also be shelf stable so that you don’t have to refrigerate it to keep its potency. Look for a label that says “Refrigeration Not Required” or “Shelf Stable.”

Strain Diversity

Another important factor to consider before investing in a probiotic is the diversity of strains. Look for a combination of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli for an average adult. This will support both your large as well as small intestine. Look for the abbreviations L. and B. on the label.

Keeping in mind the above-mentioned criteria while buying a probiotic supplement will help you to choose the right one for you. Check all these units and factors on the labeling to be sure you are purchasing the best quality the supplement.

If you want to buy my favourite probiotic and powerful gut cleansing supplement duo click here

If you would like to learn more about my 8-week gut healing program, click here

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May

How To Start Your Day Off Right

Are you considering moving to clean eating, but cannot find the time to start?

It may be that clean eating sounds like an entire lifestyle shift, one that requires proper planning and proper initiation.

You may be putting it off until you get a few days off from work or when that one big project is over. You will keep looking for reasons to put off change until you realize that you can just break down that change into smaller pieces and start integrating it slowly into your life.

You will not be asked to change everything in order to live better and brighter; you only need to remember a few things as guiding principles to set out on a new journey.

Start your day by checking out the health of your tongue.  This will tell you a lot about your digestive system. A healthy tongue means a healthy digestive system. If you tongue is furry and coated, your digestive system needs some extra attention.

Oil pulling is an easy technique to do first thing.

Oil pulling with coconut oil and essential oils

Oil pulling is an amazingly effective advanced tools because it cleanses the mouth of bacteria and yeast.  This supports a healthy oral microbiome and healthy saliva production. We always start to heal digestive issues by looking at the health of the tongue, saliva, chewing and oral hygiene.

Oil pulling therapy is a simple, yet astoundingly effective method of cleansing the blood. It is helpful for numerous disorders, including blood diseases, lung and liver disorders, tooth and gum diseases, headaches, skin diseases, gastric ulcers, intestinal problems, poor appetite, heart and kidney ailments, encephalitis, nervous conditions, poor memory, female disorders, swollen face and bags under the eyes – so pretty much everything really!

The therapy consists of simply of swishing oil in the mouth.  Best done in the morning, preferably before breakfast.  Put 1 tablespoon of unrefined olive, coconut, or sesame oil along with 1-2 drops of peppermint or tea tree essential oil.

Do not swallow it.  Slowly swish the oil around, chew it, and draw it through your teeth for 3 to 4 minutes.  You do not want any of the released toxins to be reabsorbed so spit out after 4 minutes.  Spit the oil into the garden or garbage bin to prevent it from clogging your sink. Rinse your mouth with water and sea salt, then brush your teeth.

You will find that the oil takes on a milky white or yellowish colour as it becomes saturated with toxins and billions of destructive bacteria.

Follow this with tongue scraping and a glass of salty water to swish around and rinse your mouth.

Shake and wake to stimulate the lymphatic system. Take a few deep breathes and check in with how you are feeling. Observe nature, the sunrise, the birds and if possible, get outside first thing.  Feel connected to the infinite source of energy that is your birthright. Know that you can tap into this infinite source of energy at any time during the day by returning to the breath.

Choosing what you eat first thing is vital for energy and feeling great. Toast and Jam will not be enough.

One of the most important aspects of clean eating is what you choose to eat. That does not mean just planning meals according to the old school food pyramid; it means that whatever you choose to eat, the closer it is to its natural state, the better it is for you.

Try to avoid foods that have been refined, processed, or preserved. It is always better to go natural to benefit from inherent nutrients without the chemicals or preservatives that may reduce a food’s natural goodness.

When you are trying to eat clean, it is also a good idea to eat organic. In this day and age, enhancements and hormone treatments have crept into all kinds of foods. This ends up having an adverse effect on your health even if you are eating what you should in all the right quantities. It is important to start choosing organic; a little vigilance goes a long way.

Always read labels. They give away everything you need to know about the food you are buying. In general, the more ingredients a product contains, the higher chances there are that the food is processed. Even if you try eating healthy, there is a chance that the products you buy may contain preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and colours that make the healthy, unhealthy. Read the label to make sure that the yogurt you add to your bowl of berries is not going to ruin your clean eating.

The simplest trick to eating clean is to remember the eating clean equals to eating greens. Start your day with a green juice or smoothie.

This is the bare minimum to jumpstart into clean eating. Try your hardest to incorporate leafy greens into whatever you are preparing for healthy servings of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as increased fiber, which boosts your metabolism by assisting digestion.

By filling you up with the least number of calories but the most amount of nutrients, leafy greens help you to be healthy with just one color. This is an easy place to start. With the myriad smoothie and salad recipes out there today, leafy greens can always find a way into your diet.

Try this adrenal healing juice if you are feeling wired, tired, and overwhelmed.


  • Handful of basil leaves
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 handful of kale
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 200ml coconut water


Wash and juice all the ingredients except the chia seeds. This recipe works better in a slow masticating juicer. If you don’t have a slow juicer you are better off juicing the carrots and cucumber, then mixing in the leafy greens in the blender. After juicing all of the veggies, stir in the chia seeds and allow to sit for 8-10 minutes for the chia to swell.

Stir again and enjoy!

We have talked about adding to your clean diet. Now let us talk about omission. One of the simplest things you can omit for maximum effect is artificial sugar. Start identifying all things that contain artificial sweeteners.

Drop that can of fizzy, say no to biscuits and cakes, and you are on your way to clean eating. Watch how your energy stabilizes and your mood lifts when you leave out artificial sugar that plays havoc with your blood sugar levels.

Clean eating does not have to be difficult or intimidating. Start small and implement easy, gradual changes into your regular eating habits to get yourself on the right path toward better health.

Start your day in the right way and quickly see the benefits.

If you would like to learn more about my 8 weeks to feeling fabulous program just click here

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May

Diverticulitis- foods to avoid

Diverticulitis is found in the large intestine. It happens when the walls of the colon lose elasticity. This is often something that accompanies the ageing process as we know by the wrinkles and saggy bits visible on our skin.

Diverticulitis usually develops when naturally weak places in your colon give way under pressure. This causes marble-sized pouches to protrude through the colon wall.

Diverticulitis occurs when diverticula tear, resulting in inflammation or infection or both.

Award winning nutritionist Trish Tucker May suggests there are several factors may increase your risk of developing diverticulitis:

  • Aging – the incidence of diverticulitis increases with age. As we age we have more of a build up of waste in the colon. Years of inflammatory foods can cause irritation and build up of faecal matter in the colon.  It is worth identifying foods that cause inflammation through an elimination program to find out what foods inflame your body and cause unwanted digestive distress, obesity, diabetes and other common lifestyle diseases. This elimination is also to help you to become leptin sensitive which should ensure insulin sensitivity, regulated blood sugar, less food cravings, clarity of mind, better skin integrity and an overall improved sense of health and well-being.
  • Obesity – being seriously overweight increases your odds of developing diverticulitis.
  • Smoking – People who smoke cigarettes are more likely than non-smokers to experience diverticulitis.
  • Lack of exercise – vigorous exercise appears to lower your risk of diverticulitis.  The lymph plays a vital part in the main route of elimination.  The lymph does not have a pump, like the heart. It requires gentle muscle contraction to be stimulated. If you have a sluggish lymph due to a lack of exercise, then you are also likely to have a sluggish colon. The slower the transit time, the greater risk of food and debris getting stuck.
  • Diet high in animal fat and low in fiber. A low-fiber diet in combination with a high intake of animal fat seems to increase risk, although the role of low fiber alone isn’t clear.  Too much dried or processed food is difficult for the colon.  We want to give the body the swollen message of hydrated foods rather than dried processed foods.  Foods high in fibre will mean transit time is more efficient. White rice, white bread, or white pasta, but avoid gluten-containing foods if you’re intolerant, dry low-fibre cereals and processed fruits such as applesauce or canned peaches are all to be avoided if you have digestive distress.
  • Certain medications – Several drugs are associated with an increased risk of diverticulitis, including steroids, opioids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve).  It is possible that all synthetic drugs are compromising to the health of the colon. They are dehydrating and can cause inflammation.
  • some foods may cause of aggravate Diverticulitis:
    • White rice, white bread, or white pasta, but avoid gluten-containing foods if you’re intolerant
    • Dry, low-fiber cereals.
    • Processed fruits such as applesauce or canned peaches
    • Cooked animal proteins such as fish, poultry, or eggs
    • Olive oil or other oils

Award winning nutritionist, Trish Tucker May suggests a Linseed tea, brewed for an hour.  Place 2 tablespoons of linseeds in a pan (or Thermomix bowl) and 1 litre of boiling water. Bring back to the boil. Turn off and cover, leave to stand for 8-10 hours. Bring to the boil again and simmer for 1 hour. (don’t boil over as it is hard to clean off the stove). Strain the seeds out while hot. Best to use clean filtered water and organic whole linseeds.

You can water this down if the consistency is too gloopy. Once you get used to the thickness and texture you can have it straight.  Have a mug a day and while drinking, tell yourself it is all okay. This gives your body a message of hydration and reassurance. ‘I am okay’, ‘Everything is okay’

Trish Tucker May recommends to choose natural nutrition and unrefined foods to get all the phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and enzymes that you need for optimum health.  A significant increase in the amount of green vegetables and an array of coloured vegetables on the plate will help support better immune function, stable moods and energy.  The naturally occurring properties in plants play a vital role in the preventative treatment of disease and support the intestinal flora, which constitute a major part of your immune system. Juice, smoothies and raw food are a great way to get a massive amount of nutrition into our bodies.

You can read more on the Total Wellness website here